“I want to invite all y’all to the family reunion. Er’rabody is comin’! You see, what had happened was my sister died on the same weekend that my granddaughter was suppose’ ta get married so we had a funeral, a weddin’, and a family reunion all at the same time. Talk about savin’ money! I paid for it all with just seventy-five dollars. I was so glad that Irene died, although she did owe me twenty dollars.
“Mr. Brown, my neighbor, says he will see her in that great gittin’ up mornin’. I told him to let me hold twenty dollars ’til she get back. When I said that the whole family got mad (like I care anyhow).
“God knows I hope I don’t go to jail this time but if my granddaughter, who is sixteen, walk up on me one mo’ time like I’m in a trainin’ bra I will be forced to shoot her and her momma.
Y’all pray for me ’cause this here family is so screwed up I might have to do a drive by on the whole family although Irene (bless her soul) already dead so she won’t even much feel it.”