It’s Black History Month and Tyler Perry Studios is celebrating with an exciting partnership between Tyler Perry and another Atlanta-based giant. Delta Airlines has invited Perry to be the guest curator of a special, in-flight collection of film titles that highlight groundbreaking Black stories.
The 2022 theme for Black History Month is Health and Wellness. In a time where news headlines and social posts vie for audience attention, Perry’s creative output provides the Black community with necessary respite.
“I don’t know if people really realize how important it is for young Black and Brown children to be able to see examples of what it means to be successful outside of what they see in the neighborhoods,” Perry said to Variety. “To be able to set an example for kids that there are other options outside of sports and what everybody tells you — ‘These are the only things you can do’ — [is important]. You can be CEO; you can run a studio; you can use everything you have to help someone else.”
In consideration of tools at their disposal to create this safe, holistic travel experience, “Delta has been working to better leverage industry-leading seatback screens as a key venue for reflecting the diverse communities we serve every day.”
Perry’s selections provide Delta passengers a way to fly toward progress and will be available throughout the month.