Last week Tyler Perry Studios teamed up with dozens of military veteran volunteers from The Mission Continues and many more Atlanta residents who rolled up their sleeves to give back to communities by donating time, resources, and old-fashioned hard work.
The Mission Continues is a non-profit organization that empowers veterans who are adjusting to life at home to find purpose through community impact. They deploy veterans on new missions in their communities so that their actions will inspire future generations to serve. On June 12th they linked arms with Atlanta organizations like Westside Surge and The Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club, along with community volunteers like TPS, to undertake a beautification and restoration project at an underserved lot on English Avenue.
Prior to this day of service, the lot had a dilapidated basketball hoop and a neglected garden. With the help of these veterans and the community, Monday saw the lot transformed with a complete restoration of the basketball court, new picnic areas and tables, an outdoor stage and amphitheater, and a children’s garden.
The Perry Foundation, the charitable outreach arm of Tyler Perry Studios, is looking forward to many more projects with The Mission Continues as their partnership moves forward.
Find out how you can get involved here.